Why desktop is Better when choice compared to laptops?

Top 10 reasons for choosing desktop PC over laptops:

Why desktop is Better when choice compared to laptops?

      1. Desktop PC's are more comfortable to use rather than using laptops.
      2. Desktop PC's are less expensive compared to laptops.
      3. Desktop PC's have more features compared to laptops.
      4. When highlighting the performance of the computer Desktop PCs gives higher performance when leveled to laptops.
      5. It is less expensive to repair the faulted part in desktop PC whether on laptops it costs high.
      6. Desktop PC has more life when compared to a laptop's life.
      7. In gaming -Desktop PC is the major choice for most of the games, because of the performance given by the desktop PCs
      8. Desktop computers can able to upgrade memory, graphics card, and even processor (from higher end to lower end )but the laptops have the only option to upgrade memory.
      9. Multiple GPUs can also possible in desktop PC we can also connect two displays which give a beast performance to the games with higher resolution.
      10. multitasking and performance speed is higher when compared to laptops.

Why desktop pc is always better than laptops?

  • upgradability
  • performance
  • cost-efficient 
These are the major points which make us think Desktop PC is a better choice  than laptops

In my point of view 

Desktop PC will be the best choice for video editing, multitasking, productivity, gaming purposes, and for game developers. 

(note: Even 60k desktop PC will give more performance than 1.5L laptop) .
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