
What is the NFC?


The acronym of NFC is "Near Field Communication"

How does NFC work on smartphones?


  • The name itself tells us the work of the sensor is which makes the communication easier & faster between two devices.
  • When the NFC enabled two smartphones are kept nearer to(4cm-10cm) NFC automatically gets triggered and we can able to transfer any data or media files between two devices ina faster way.
  • This sensor is basically inbuilt inside the smartphones. 
  • In the market, NFC tags are also available we can make use of the tags using NFC enabled smartphones.

What are NFC tags?


It is a small round shaped tag which has some memory with NFC enabled so, the user can able to store some set of instructions(settings & customizations) and stick it somewhere. 

Whenever the user wants to customize those settings in smartphones simply by tapping or showing the smartphone nearer to the tag.

If the tag has stored with some functions like (night mode on, decrease the brightness, put it in silent mode) so when the NFC enabled smartphone gets tapped or showed near the smartphone automatically all the customizations stored in the tag are triggered and changed in the smartphone.

What are the uses of NFC?


  • faster data transfer between two devices.
  • we can connect multiple NFC enabled devices with a single tap.
  • we can also do payment by using NFC. Most of the countries are using NFC for payments while shopping it can be done by simply taking our smartphone nearer to the NFC enabled POS machine.

Why India is not encouraging NFC in their country?

Even I also don't know the reason but it is one of the best& time-saving technology, maybe in future India may practice using NFC for most of the purposes.

In my point of view,

 NFC is one of the best sensors which has lots of features which saves lots of time for us. So, let's wait and see India can practice NFC as soon as possible.
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