What is cache memory?

What is cache memory?

Cache memory is nothing but (SRAM)the fastest memory which is present inside the processor to complete the tasks in the fastest manner. The data which need by the processor for the future process will be stored in cache memory. 

Why cache memory is important to the processor?

What is cache memory?

  • If your processor has cache memory then the processor works efficiently without interrupting ram memory at a  repeat process.
  • If (7*8 + 8*7)process is executed by the processor, the processor first multiplies the two number and stores the answer in the cache memory and then multiplies another two numbers it is also stored in cache memory then the answers stored in the cache memory fetched by the processor and then execute the addition process. 
This is why cache memory is important for the processor.

What are the levels of Cache memory available inside the processor?

What is cache memory?
cache memory in laptop processor

  • Level 1- This is the fastest memory than all which present inside the core it stores the instructions and data required by the processor cores and the size of the memory(8-32kb) is lower than all.
  • Level 2 - This is the next fastest memory but slower than level 1 which has the memory size (256kb-8mb)which is higher than level 1 but lower than all.
  • Level 3 -This is the cache memory with higher size(8mb) and slower speed than all levels

What happens when my processor does not have cache memory?

Of course, Cache memory is not mandatory but if it is present, the processor will work efficiently with the memory also cache memory is the fastest memory than Ram & Rom.

(note: If the processor does not have cache memory means automatically ram memory replace its place to share the data and instructions required by the processor. )

Why Cache memory is also not used as ROM or other memory?

It is because to reduce the cost of the product and also that much faster memory is also not needed for Rom purposes.
It is a volatile memory which does not store the data for long term usage.

Advantages of Cache memory:-

  • Increased performance of the processor.
  • Interrupting ram for data is reduced.
  • fastest processing speed.
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