Clock speed & Overclocking?

What is Clock speed?

In a processor single-core speed is defined in the term of frequency(Hz). The clock speed determines the execution speed of the processor. It is nothing but the term which determines the speed of each core in the processor. 

What is overclocking?

Overclocking a processor is nothing but which is a process to increase or boost the base clock speed of the processor to increase the performance of the processor. 

How do I find that My processor is overclockable or not?

In Intel
  • Intel Core i5-10600     - Non-Overclockable
  • Intel Core i5-10600K  -  Unlocked(Overclockable)
In the intel side, the unlocked processors are determined by the processor name itself. The name ends with the letters of (X, XE, K).

  • AMD Ryzen 5 3600    -Non-Overclockable
  • AMD Ryzen 5 3600X - Unlocked (Overclockable)
In the AMD side, the unlocked processors are determined by the processor name. The name which ends with the letters of (X) is unlocked.

How does the processor is overclocked?

Basically overclock is done by manipulating the settings in system BIOS(varying voltage to each core, varying timing settings, boosting clock frequency, decreasing latency ) want to know more for intel click here & for AMD click here

What are the Benefits of overclocking a processor?

Processing speed and the performance of the processor is increased and this can be achieved only when the sufficient cooling methods and power supply is given to the overclocked CPU.

What are the Downgrades of overclocking a processor?

    • When the processor is overclocked, at the same time the heat-producing inside the processor is also increased.
    • stability and the life of the processor will get reduced.
(Note: This is not a permanent downgrade it can be resolved by giving sufficient power supply and cooling methods to the processor.)
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