Advanced Sensors-Smartphones

Sensors which is only employed in Flagship or Higher-end smartphones

Advanced Sensors-Smartphones

          • Humidity sensor
          • pedometer sensor
          • Heart rate sensor
          • Barometer sensor
Humidity Sensor
Advanced Sensors-Smartphones

  • It detects the environment humidity(air temperature and moisture level) surround you.
  • It is also known as hygrometer which is most widely seen in Samsung flagship smartphones.
  • It can also be used in most of the fitness devices to detect dehydration in your body.
Pedometer Sensor
Advanced Sensors-Smartphones

  • This sensor is most widely used for fitness purposes it measures the number of steps that the user has walked through the world.
  • It can also be done via Accelerometer but a pedometer gives accurate results.
  • This can be seen in fitness tracker watches and even higher-end smartphones.
Heart rate Sensor
Advanced Sensors-Smartphones

  • By the name itself, we can understand that it can able to detect the realtime heartbeat rate of our own body. 
  • This sensor can give the exact heartbeat rate of the user.
Barometer sensor
  • In most common barometer sensor is used to measure atmospheric pressure.
  • In smartphones, the barometer sensor helps GPS to find an accurate location.
  • Consider that you are on the top of the hill barometer sensor will measure the distance from you to the bottom of the hill.
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