What is the Pixel clock?

What is the Pixel clock?

 It is the one in which the maximum speed at which the pixels are transmitted over a video signal to fit a full-frame pixel within a single refresh cycle. Mostly this term was used in audio or video transmission(eg. the maximum pixel clock speed for the transmission of data through HDMI in the form of signal).

What is the purpose of using a pixel clock term in bridge connectors for SLI(multiple GPU)?

As ween saw earlier the three bridge connectors for Sli with different pixel clock speed which mainly represents how fast the rendered image pixels are transmitted to the display with a single refresh rate.

For example  (HB bridge -(650 MHz pixel clock & bandwidth- 2GB/s)here the pixel clock speed is 
650 MHz which means 650 million pixels per second is transmitted over per single refresh cycle.

What is Bandwidth?

In general, bandwidth describes the maximum amount of data transfer over the internet connection.

It measures the max amount of data transmitted over the network at a specific time. 

eg. As we saw above the same High bandwidth ridge connector the name itself telling the specialty of the bridge this is the only bridge with Higher bandwidth of 2GB/s(which means 2048 megabytes per second).But recently Nvidia has introduced another bridge connector named NV link which has higher bandwidth than the HB bridge connector.

Advantages of having higher bandwidth:-

The maximum amount of data is transmitted over the internet with high speed and in the case of GPU, the maximum amount of data is transmitted over the display with high speed without any lag.

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