Is it possible to add more than one GRAPHICS CARD on the same motherboard?

yes, it is possible to add 2,3 or 4 graphics cards on the same motherboard. But the only thing is that the motherboard needs to support the mGPU Technology. 

What is m GPU?

Multiple GPU

m GPU- multiple Graphics Processing Unit.

 This technology was developed only for hardcore gamers and the people who use multiple displays for gaming purposes.

Who developed mGPU technology?

Nvidia developed SLI(Scalable Link Interface) - which is an mGPU technology.

AMD developed CrossFireX- which is an mGPU technology.

What are the benefits of installing multiple GPUs on the same motherboard?

  • mGPU technology provides a higher resolution(1080p 60fps, 4k 60fps, 6k,8k) game play at multiple displays.  
  • In practical mGPU PCs are also used for 3d model rendering purposes without any issues.
  • Smoother gameplay without any lags or micro stutters in the displays.
  • Increased performance.

How do we identify that our motherboard supports multiple GPUs or not?


     You can easily identify that your own motherboard supports multiple GPUs or not.

       The brand itself gives the SLI or CrossfireX logo on the board or else checks the product specs on the official website.

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